I found Hymes list of things to look for when observing communication useful, (Trenholm, pg38). When observing communication for my journal entry, I found the task to be a little overwhelming at first. I was also uneasy about observing strangers without their knowledge, an ethnographer’s dilemma!! Hymes says it is important to consider the situation where speech takes place, because our communication and what we say or do varies with the environment. For example, our talk at the beach would be different from one at a restaurant or work meeting. We have to consider whether the communication is casual, serious or stressed based on the situation. I agree with Hymes on the importance of knowing who the participants are, observing the act sequences, the tone or spirit (keys) with which communication is done , the instrumentalities (channels) used and the norms regulating the communication and the genre.
However, I do not agree with him about observing the outcome of an interaction until the end. In my opinion, private conversations should not be observed and if they are, the ethnographer should quit before the communication ends, so the people who are being observed are left with some privacy in the end.
I agree with you Hymes importance of the situation is key for communicating thoroughly.Every minor or major detail around us can influence our ability to communicate, who wants to have a stressed conversation with cars speeding by, honking, and yelling everywhere. I think it is great because when someone is having a serious or stressed conversation in a middle of an elegant restaurant or out in public we judge them for being rude because their private matter has just become public. We accept environments to communicate or reject them.
ReplyDeleteHey there sunshine! Good job on your post this week. I really enjoyed reading your post. You did a very good job explaining about different ways to observe communication. I agree with you that it was a little awkward observing people I didn't know for our journal assignment. I felt like I was violating their privacy. Some of the conversations the people were having were personal and I feel like I shouldn't have been listening. I liked the steps that the Hymes gives about observing communication. I will definitely take them into consideration if I ever have to observe people for an assignment again.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear you both like the Hymes steps to observing conversation.
ReplyDeleteChubbyhub your examples are good!!
Commgirl105, I am glad to hear I was not the only one who felt like I was violating people's privacy!!